TORNADO - The Team with the Comedy Flying Cow
| Sponsoring Tornado |

| Tornado at your Event |

| Promotional Images |

| Interviews/Appearances |

| Event Safety Document |
Sponsoring Tornado
If you like what we are doing and are in a position to offer us sponsorship, then it would be very happily received. Sponsorship does not have to be of a monetary kind; parts, engineering facilities, or materials would be very helpful to us too. If you are interested then please
e-mail us - if you are serious then for more information please request a copy of our Sponsorship Information Pack. In return for your sponsorship we will be able to offer use of ourselves and Tornado for publicity via whatever medium the sponsor wishes, subject to the contract all roboteers have to sign with Mentorn (the makers of the TV programme). Quite a few companies have found it beneficial to sponsor us, have a look at our current sponsors.

Tornado at your event
If you would like the team and/or the robot to attend your event, please
get in touch. If your event aims to make money for a charitable cause, then we would not seek payment to attend, however a small contribution towards our travelling expenses is always gratefully received!
If you would like Tornado to be running at your event, please be aware of the suggestions made in the Event Safety Document of which we are one of the authoring teams. We would only be willing to operate Tornado if we felt it was safe to do so! Please don't think we'll only turn up if your event involves operating robots - we attend many static display events (open days, fetes and fairs) as well.

Promotional Images
Many people ask us for promotional images of Tornado, to produce posters for events we are attending or for the media they are producing. Partly for this reason, we have produced a
Gallery of our Best Images. Remember however that unless otherwise credited, all images on this website are copyright to us and you must ask our permission to use them.

Interviews/Appearances and other press coverage
If you would like to interview us or you would like us to appear in your publication (of whatever media) then please
get in contact. To get an idea of where we have already appeared, have a look at our TV, Press and Web page. Building and running a robot is costly, and if you expect to make a profit from your publication and our contribution will be significant, it is only fair to ask that you pay us for our time and/or contribution. Be aware that what is written on the website, the pictures contained within it and the format and style of its pages are copyrighted, except where the copyright belongs to another party and credit has been given. You may not use content from our website without our prior permission.

Event Safety Document
Team Tornado is one of the teams involved in the creation of the
Event Safety Document. We got involved in this because we felt the chances of an accident at a charity event were becoming quite high, and we wanted to do something to stop it happening. It's becoming a widely accepted standard; follow this link for more information.

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