For Series 6 and Extreme 1, Team Tornado says a very grateful Thank You to:
Ians Tyre and Exhaust Centre, Huntingdon - for coming to our aid with some bead sealer in the eleventh hour of our preparations for Series 6, after another supplier let us down. Quite simply, we would not have won Series 6 without their help. (Thanks must also go to them for doing a blinding deal on my car tyres!)
Ed Hoppitt and Storm - For again helping us obtain more hard to get and expensive items at a substantially reduced cost. In particular thanks to Ed for always being able to see the wider picture...
Richard Cowell @ NXT Machine Shop - A big Thank You to Richard for his continued and very valuable support.
Fluffy - for the big drift we used to repair the chassis damage caused by Growler in Series 6.
Georje and Julie (Kat) - for the sweets!
Don Battersby - for donating the large fan used on the hardening oven!
Everyone at Mentorn including Derek Foxwell, Val Foxwell, Nick, Stuart, Django, Neil Charlwood, Bill Hobbins, Tamara Cohen, and everyone else who made Series 6 such great fun to be part of.
Mike Lambert (Dantomkia), Alan Gribble (Pussycat), Sam Jones and Chris Organ (Shredder) - For all their assistance fixing the chassis after Tornado's flying lesson from Matilda, while fighting Dominator 2 in Series 6...
Mick Gamble (Dave's Dad) - for use of the workshop facilites and welder when we really needed them - after fighting Hypnodisc!
Neil Isherwood - for sending us his video of the Alstom event.
Trevor - for taking the time and effort to contact us when Neils tape got delivered to the wrong address!
Lisa Thorpe @ NXT - for the use of her dictionary!
For Series 5 and Extreme 1, Team Tornado says a very grateful Thank You to:
Alex Sunderland @ Mentorn - without whom there would be no Robot Wars TV show. Thank you Alex for organising everything, and always being there to help us.
Rachel Parkinson @ Mentorn - without whom Alex would have had a nervous breakdown by now! Many thanks for all your help over the phone and at the filming.
Richard Cowell @ NXT Machine Shop - for letting us use the machine shop, for lending us loads of tools, and giving us a rather special lathe cutter.
Dominator 2, Chaos 2, Bigger Brother, Wolverine and Rex Garrod - for helping to keep us going at the Debenham 2001 charity event.
Ed Hoppitt and Storm - For quickly and efficiently sorting out our website problems, for letting us test their Hawker Odyssey batteries, and for teaching us about branding and blagging! Also for all their help in getting us hard to find materials, and giving us access to the abilities of their sponsors.
Chris Smythe @ NXT - For grinding loads of our removable spikes, and letting us use his 1.1 Fiesta for welding practice...
Joel Grieco @ NXT - For his ideas about MIG and TIG welding.
Jeremy Arnold and Jon Turner @ NXT - for helping build our circuit boards in record time.
Gemini - For giving us some paint at Robot Wars Extreme 1.
Martin Roberts @ NXT - For his help with sourcing parts.
For Series 4, Team Tornado says a very grateful Thank You to:
Team Mousetrap and Steg 2 - for showing such good sportsmanship. Many, many thanks to both teams for offering your motors in our hour of need!
All @ Mentorn particularly Derek Foxwell and the rest of the tech guys - for putting up with all our silly questions and little gripes, and for organising everything.
Julian Leeming @ Mission - for sourcing the 1/4" pneumatics pipe.
Ted Jarvis @ NXT - for donating the Soda Stream bottle used for pneumatics prototyping, for bringing in kart tyres to show us, and always knowing when the race meetings are on!
Richard Cowell @ NXT Machine Shop - for thinking up the Series 4 weapon idea and persuading us to build it, for staying behind to machine the gears, for letting us use the machine shop, and for lending us loads of tools.
Brian Bowley (Gary's Dad) - for letting us use his lathe to make the drive blocks.
Mick Gamble (Dave's Dad) - for finding us a vice and workbench.
Noel Moss (Bryan's Dad) and Ciba - for getting us the rather specialised polycarbonate glue (Araldite 2026). Note that Ciba do not supply small quantities of this adhesive, speak to Buck & Hickman or Aeropia.
NXT Workshop - for moving to Cygnet House at just the right time, and throwing out/donating lots of steel, honeycomb panels and a few grand worth of pneumatics parts...
Stratos Karts - for exchanging our kart sprockets that were way too big.
M.T. Loading services - for the donation of the hydralic ram.
Paul Bullin @ NXT - for giving us our first kart tyres, lending us a Stratos catalogue, lending us Karting magazines, and telling us about Kimbolton.
Kev Butcher (Dave's neighbour) - for helping harden the spikes.
Neil Owen and Martin Cassey @ NXT - for giving the go ahead and printing for us large templates of our logo on the company plotter.
Neil Hamill - for producing most of the logo you see at the top of this page, and inspiring the flying cow...
Julian Fordham @ NXT - For donating some sticky backed vinyl for our trolley.
Mark Warriner @ NXT - For writing the autorun exe file for our promotional CD.
Team Tornado presents the Equine Rectum award to:
Display/Distel - for supplying dodgy batteries and then only giving us a refund once Trading Standards got involved. - For deleting our website with no warning and for no obvious reason, the day after a large update and the site being advertised on the Robot Wars forum!