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The official list of suppliers can be found on the Robot Wars site, however we strongly recommend that you do not deal with Display Electronics given the problems we had with our batteries for Series 4. Our list below includes both suppliers we have used, and others that we think you might find useful. Drop us an email if you can add to this list.
We find the best batteries for Robots are Hawker Odyssey. There's only one place worth going to for them in the UK, and that's Knight Battery Sales. Yes, they're our sponsor, but I'm certain you won't be able to find a better price from any other supplier. And if you don't want the best... well, you pays your money and takes your choice.

KNIGHT Battery Sales - Authorised Distributor of Hawker batteries
- we don't think you'll be able to beat the prices from these guys!
01925 635 918 (office), 0783 679 2073 (mobile), speak to
Dave Knight - knightbatteries@aol.com.

Steatite - for Steatite batteries. Very similar to the Kiels.

Bull Electrical - electronics surplus, including the Kiel Batteries.

Hawker Energy Products Inc - The American website for Hawker batteries.
Also the Odyssey website and Hawker UK. Beware that a lot of the
information on the web is out of date and conflicting; Hawker seem to
be in constant upheval. If you do call Hawker directly, don't just accept
the first price you are given - shop around!

Ellis Components for Bosch and Iskra motors.
There's only two places you'll
find Bosch motors for less - that's Technobots, or if another roboteer is
selling them secondhand!

Big Cheese - for Litton motors, gearboxes and various other parts.

Lynch Motors - like any of us can afford them?

Briggs and Straton Lynch Motors (at NPC) - maybe we can afford them - the
Briggs and Straton version is $385!

Robot Books.com for Magmotors, and of course books.
Go-Kart Parts

Stratos Karts - kart wheels, gears and chain.
Stratos Karts, 33 Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0TW.
Tel 01462-436600, Fax 01462-420672, info@stratos-karts.com
(Rumour has it that these guys are no longer trading.)

Dartford Karting - all kart parts (the cheapest kart shop we have
found yet). 01322 222645 / 292212 / 292213.

A big list of Karting Companies
Speed Controllers

4QD - Electronic Speed Controllers.

Vantec - The Rolls Royce of electronic speed controllers.
001 805 929 5055 (beware - this is an American phone number!).

Technobots - the first of it's kind, a one stop shop where you can buy
everything needed to build a robot. Technobots is also now the cheapest
place to buy the Bosch GPA 750W motor!
The surplus market can offer very cheap parts, but be sure they're up to the job. Most surplus companies are reputable and will help if an item is faulty, but we advise that you do not have anything to do with Display Electronics.

Bull Electrical - more electronics surplus, including the Kiel Batteries.

Anchor Supplies - Ex military and other surplus supplies - electronics,
hardware, test equipment - loads of stuff!

WCN Supplies - electronics surplus. 01703 226522

Greenweld - various electronics surplus components.

Farnell - new electronics components.

Maplin Electronics - new electronics components.

RS (Radio Spares) - new electronics components.

CPC - new electronics components.

Rapid Electronics - new electronics components.

J&L Industrial - workshop tooling supplier including pneumatics fittings.
If it's in stock, you'll get it the next day! Tel 0800 663 355

Scrapyards - get the yellow pages out and find yourself a decent one!
look under Car & Commercial Vehicle Dismantlers, and Scrap
Metal Merchants as well as Scrapyards.

Davall Limited - Gears, chain, pulleys. 01707 265432 info@davall.co.uk

HPC - Gears, chain, pulleys.

Bourne Embroidery - Cheap, good quality and promptly printed
T-Shirts/sweatshirts! 0808 144 0880.

Micron Radio Control - Transmitter and Receiver parts - useful for custom
RC systems and antweights!

Storm - The Storm team have a page of items for sale, including chargers,
a robot-to-pc interface, high power cable, cast aluminium wheels, and
go kart parts.

Newflame Fire Equipment & Maintenance Co, Peterborough. These guys
were willing to help with burst valves, hosing, cylinders, CO2 charging...
01733 343 805.

Applied Lettering - These guys supplied all of the cut vinyl lettering
for Tornado. 01264 357 438.

Tornado - We now have a page of items for sale, including batteries, a TIG welder, and various kart parts.
The Doghouse
There's a small minority of suppliers who we've had hassle with. We advise you caution in dealing with these companies.

Display Electronics/Distel - we strongly recommend that you do
not have anything to do with this company. We had some
big problems with our batteries for Series 4 that came from Display.

A certain "other" battery supplier - I can't name them because I was
asked to remove them from this site, but they took offense at being
described as "very expensive". Well guess what guys, it's because
when we asked you for a quote, you were very expensive! Our
advice is to make sure you shop around - but we don't think you'll
be able to beat Knight Battery Sales!
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