This was the first Robot Roadshow event, but the second this year to be held at the Worthing leisure centre and to use the arena built by the Grim Reaper team (for the Worthing Robo Rumble event). It was organised by the Bigger Brother, Grim Reaper and Dantomkia teams. The event was divided into three sessions, and most teams got to run at least once in each session. Ian had borrowed the proper Robot Wars house robots, and the audience had the opportunity to have their photo taken with their favourite.
As before, the Plunderbirds compeered the event, and we all heard that Killalot and giraffe joke another three times...
Present were Miss Calvin Can (and Arnold, Arnold Terminegger), A-Kill,
Bigger Brother (in Big Bro Technogames guise), Spawn,
Storm 2 and KingB 5, Terrorhurtz, Pants, Roobarb and M2 (also in Technogames guise),
Barbaric Response, Barberous,
Kan Opener, Hard As Nails,
Neoteric (with Jonno from Roaming Robots), Scorpion,
Steel Sandwich, Pussycat, Katnip and Kitty,
plus Steel Avenger, Bulldog Breed, Axe Awe and Killer Carrot. On static display were Panic Attack, Wheely Big Cheese, Tiberius 3, Toecutter 2, Razer, and 13 Black. The pits and static display areas...
One of the earliest fights was between Spawn, KingB 5 and Steel Sandwich.
Bulldog dealt with Axe Awe and Killer Carrot. The PA amplifier overheated, thanks to its ventilation grille being on the wrong way round! Ian Watts quickly dealt with it, thanks to Bulldogs CO2 bottle.
In the first session we ran against Dantomkia (driven by Steve, as Mike was busy organising) and Pussycat. Dantomkia managed to get underneath us once, but had a problem with their flipper, and we were able to drive off again. The judges and crowd were asked their verdict, and we were given the fight.

Featherweight rumble; Storm 2 gets taken for a ride by Mute.
The walker built by Rob Knight (Mortis). At the end of the session the crowd were asked for their favourite fight of the session, and in the final vote between ourselves and Spawn, they voted for us - we were given a very nice trophy!
Our second session battle was against Scorpion and Lazerus - although Lazerus had problems when powering up, and so sat the fight out. We pushed Scorpion about the place in what was not too spectacular a fight, and performed a noisy burnout. Scorpion spun up on the spot, and we stopped them (and then Mike told them off for it!). Again we were given the fight.

At the end of the session the audience were asked to vote on their favourite, and again they voted for us! It was a little embarassing, we didn't exactly enjoy winning two trophies for only two gentle fights, but the audience made the decision... Meanwhile the Grim Reaper came out to meet the audience!
We were first up in the third and final session, against the Scorpion team's specially built Technogames tug of war machine Collosus. It's a 6WD truck, with 3 motors running at 36V, on rear go-kart slick tyres. We didn't know which way it was going to go at the start, but it was soon decided - Collosus weighted only 87kg, and we pulled them to our side of the arena fairly easily.
We headed back home as soon as we could, before the end of the last session, in order to transform Tornado ready for the Technogames audition tomorrow...
Have a look at the Robot Roadshow page (on the Bigger Brother site).
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