This was the second Oundle Mill get together we have attended, both of which have been organised by Mark Nemandic of the Excecutioner team. The first was a much more low key affair, and was the point where we discovered our controller problem and so were not running, and did not take any pictures. This time however, Dave kept his camera going for most of the meet...
The meeting started with everyone gathering in the car park after lunch. We got bored waiting for something to happen, and so went for a little drive with our guards on. It had the desired effect - everyone got rid of their cars and got the robots out!
Robots in attendance (running or otherwise) - Onslaught, the Executioner (chassis in progress, and that is a jet engine in the background - more on that later!), Bigger Brother, Behemoth, Skeletron's (of Technogames fame) car, Stinger, Alistair O'Neil's robot test chassis - we sold him two of the magnets on those motors!, and Velocirippa. Also present were Chaos 2, Hypnodisc, Sump Thing, Killerhurtz, Mortis, Scuttle, various go-peds, lots of smaller radio controlled cars, a Delorean, and Si from King Buxton brought along his Nissan Skyline.
Bryan brought along his Land Rover 101 ambulance, which made an ideal field base to run Tornado from. Mike from 101 brought along an indoor helicopter, similar to what John Reid (Killerhurtz) brought last time. Bryan also brought along the only RC boat present, but had to go wading to retrieve it... oops!
We had a few little tussles with Hypnodisc, and put a few spike holes in them - I hope they don't hold a grudge against us now! - but we got a few dings from their disc too. They were easy to push around, but they had plastic wheels on rather than the rubber ones they use on the show. We also tangled with Chaos 2, Bigger Brother, Stinger, Behemoth and Onslaught.
Back to that jet engine. It's a generator engine from the tailplane of a US Navy carrier borne aircraft (Lockheed S-3A Viking?), that used to run a 5kVA generator. He was running it on unleaded, siphoned from a tank at a pipe full at a time. As far as we remember, the guy intended to use it to run a hydralic pump, at least until what it shown below happened...
Rob Knight from Mortis challenged us to a Sumo, but we could push them even with his extra weight standing on top of Mortis! Unfortunately towards the end of the meeting we had speed controller problems and could only go forwards and make left turns - but George (Francis) said he hadn't noticed, so it can't have looked too bad.
Later on in the day, Si decided to wear out his tyres by driving round and round in circles :) He managed three complete revolutions, before stopping to pick up some extra ballast in the form of Rob Knight from Mortis. This obviously gave him way too much grip, because Si failed to perform any more donuts... how much does Rob weight? :) Yet Tornado managed to push Mortis with Rob standing on top earlier...!
The evening meal was a buffet affair, and allowed many chances for conversation and discussion of robot related things. It was also a good chance to test out John Reid's latest toy, a proper helium filled indoor airship! It was an interesting meet with lots of radio controlled machinery, and the (now obligatory at these meets) selection of gorgeous waitresses...
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